Linda Love Gorordo brings real-world knowledge and experience into the educational consulting field. When her children were younger, she wrote a successful $500,000 grant for their elementary school, and was hired as a consultant for a magnet program at the school they attended after moving to Washington state. When her children were in 5th, 4th and 1st grades, they began homeschooling. Over the subsequent years, she has gained expertise on various forms of school choice, alternative schooling, hybrid schooling, dual enrollment and how all of those things, along with homeschooling, can be combined for a successful high school education and college application. Her children, now 28, 26 and 24, have graduated from prestigious universities and two are currently in graduate school programs. All have followed a non-traditional educational path to university acceptance.
For the past 9 years, Linda has supported all types of families in Western Washington as they explore and choose both traditional and non-traditional paths for high school and college.
For information on consulting rates and scheduling, please contact Linda Love Gorordo, or 425-750-5176